A Quinta da Auga


A Quinta da Auga Hotel Spa Relais & Châteaux is a hotel that meets all the requirements for a business trip to Santiago de Compostela. If you have to visit our city or Galicia on a business trip, attend a congress or a training room, A Quinta da Auga is a hotel that will totally change your concept of business travel.

  An inspiring, relaxed and comfortable atmosphere will surely make you enjoy a well deserved rest. At your disposal we have all the services you require of a personalized and adapted to your needs. The hotel is also located in an outstanding location for its good communications with the main highways and highways of Galicia, as well as the airport and the bus and railway stations of Santiago de Compostela. Quinta da Auga has free Wi-Fi throughout the hotel as well as a free outdoor parking and a paid parking, if you want to have your vehicle and not reach Santiago de Compostela by other means of transportation.

 The Spa A Quinta da Auga is a luxury spa where you can relax and forget for a moment your obligations or recover from an intense day or a jetlag. Visit the spa circuit and consult our therapists for the best treatment.

Filigrana Restaurant Relais & Châteaux is one of the best in the city and its hallmark of high quality gastronomy of Galicia can be very opportune for a business lunch. The cafeteria and our Hall of the Fireplace are very quiet and inspiring places not to mention our terraces and gardens.

  If you are a manager or owner of a company and you are thinking about organizing an incentive program for your employees, our hotel offers you a multitude of possibilities.

  If you are interested in signing a business agreement, you can request an agreement through our Business Programs and that your associates, employees or suppliers enjoy advantages in our services.

Reward your employees, customers or suppliers with our Gift Certificates or discover our Corporate and Collective Bonds.



* Local call price.

A Quinta da Auga
Cámara de Comercio Santiago de Compostela    Cámara de Comercio de España    Unión Europea
LORYGAR SL ha sido beneficiaria del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional cuyo objetivo es Potenciar la investigación, el desarrollo tecnológico y la innovación, y gracias al que ha implantado un Programa de creación de equipos, desarrollo de personas y mejora de procesos para apoyar la creación y consolidación de empresas innovadoras. La acción se realizó en 2020. Para ello ha contado con el apoyo del Programa InnoCámaras de la Cámara de Comercio de Santiago de Compostela.
Axudas do Igape á dixitalización Industria 4.0
Esta empresa foi beneficiaria dunha axuda do programa IGAPE "dixitalización Industria 4.0", cuxo resultado é promover a transformación dixital da empresa e favorecer o crecemento e consolidación das PEME, mellorando o seu financiamento, tecnoloxía e acceso a servizos de apoio avanzados.
Operación cofinanciada pola Unión Europea
Programa Operativo FEDER Galicia 2014-2020

Conseguir un tecido empresarial máis competitivo
Unha maneira de facer Europa
Esta empresa foi beneficiaria dunha Subvención para a mellora da competitividade dos establecementos hoteleiros e de restauración no marco do Eixe REACT-UE do Programa Operativo FEDER Galicia 2014-2020 como parte da resposta da Unión Europea á pandemia da COVID-19.
Programa MOVES III
Galicia Emprega