A Quinta da Auga

Something Different


A different part of Spain just 2 and a half hours from Porto. Walk through a land of two thousand years of history and feel its Celtic identity through its beautiful landscapes.

Galicia offers all its visitors impressive natural landscapes, with a different personality from the rest of any other region of Spain, based on a unique culture, heritage and ethnography.


The goal of the Camino. Discover a city full of art, architecture and history. Experience the flavor of tradition and the authenticity of Santiago de Compostela, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Stroll through its cobbled streets, enjoy the different cultural and leisure options offered by the city and discover its gastronomic richness, revealed to the visitor as a new Universe based, however, on a thousand-year-old tradition.

Disconnect and enjoy a pleasant rest.
Pause and let yourself be carried away by the spirituality and calm that surround this land, either through the Camino or through activities such as yoga or meditation. In A Quinta da Auga Spa Hotel Relais & Châteaux we can design for you a complete program of well-being and total relaxation following the philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda.


The sea breeze aboard a sailboat, sail through unique Estuaries, enjoy the welcome in eternal seafaring villages, witness old cliffs and virgin beaches, experience the ancestral fishing ... In Galicia, where sea and land merge giving place to a unique landscape in the world.

We propose you to know one of the most valued treasures of Galicia in a personalized and unique experience.
 Enjoy a sailing route through our impressive Rías, in an adventure of salt, sand and wonderful sunsets.


The history in a natural environment of incomparable beauty. Start the adventure crossing the river Miño, between majestic churches and Romanesque monasteries, authentic hidden gems, waterfalls and charming wineries.

Enjoy the most personal wines of this region through visits to wineries by expert producers in activities specially designed for wine lovers.
If you want to know the wine culture of Galicia and our high quality Atlantic varieties, do not miss this experience.



* Local call price.

A Quinta da Auga
Cámara de Comercio Santiago de Compostela    Cámara de Comercio de España    Unión Europea
LORYGAR SL ha sido beneficiaria del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional cuyo objetivo es Potenciar la investigación, el desarrollo tecnológico y la innovación, y gracias al que ha implantado un Programa de creación de equipos, desarrollo de personas y mejora de procesos para apoyar la creación y consolidación de empresas innovadoras. La acción se realizó en 2020. Para ello ha contado con el apoyo del Programa InnoCámaras de la Cámara de Comercio de Santiago de Compostela.
Axudas do Igape á dixitalización Industria 4.0
Esta empresa foi beneficiaria dunha axuda do programa IGAPE "dixitalización Industria 4.0", cuxo resultado é promover a transformación dixital da empresa e favorecer o crecemento e consolidación das PEME, mellorando o seu financiamento, tecnoloxía e acceso a servizos de apoio avanzados.
Operación cofinanciada pola Unión Europea
Programa Operativo FEDER Galicia 2014-2020

Conseguir un tecido empresarial máis competitivo
Unha maneira de facer Europa
Esta empresa foi beneficiaria dunha Subvención para a mellora da competitividade dos establecementos hoteleiros e de restauración no marco do Eixe REACT-UE do Programa Operativo FEDER Galicia 2014-2020 como parte da resposta da Unión Europea á pandemia da COVID-19.
Programa MOVES III
Galicia Emprega