A Quinta da Auga
Weddings A Quinta da Auga
Destination Wedding Hotel
A Unique Wedding
Discover our Weekend Weddings
Exclusive Weddings
A mixture of traditional and modern


  A Quinta da Auga Hotel Spa Relais & Châteaux is one of the most romantic hotel to celebrate  weddings and receptions. Located in Santiago de Compostela, a stunning european city en the Northwest of Spain.

 A Quinta da Auga has a 10,000 m2 large field surrounded by the River Sar, a lot of wedding reception locations like a beautiful bamboo forest for the cocktail and charming and beautiful gardens.

  A striking landmark building from eighteenth century recalls the great "Galician Pazos", the typical Manor Houses of the region.  The classic european style of our salons, antique furniture and art pieces create an exquisite ambient. The luxury romantic suites and the elegant and charming rooms are designed to enjoy a perfect dream.

  The quality of our gastronomy is know all around the region, The Filigrana Restaurant Galician Haute Cuisine,  one of the best gourmet restaurants of Santiago de Compostela, Galicia (pre-requisite in Relais & Châteaux).

A Quinta da Auga facilities are provided with a luxury Spa to forget stress and balance emotions. Also the bride and the groom can enjoy some privay in our Private Spa. Our therapies and treatments are designed to get a holistic wellbeeing and our therapiests will customized each one for you.

 The Spa Saloon is a perfect place to get ready for the wedding, with many beauty treatments and hairdresser for the wedding guests. Of couse we take care of the bride personally, with her own stilyst and make up in her suite or room.

 Relax and enjoy. We are going to take care about everything. A profesional team and a personal wedding planner are going to customized every detail to make a unique wedding.


Unique Weddings A Quinta da Auga

Wedding Reception Locations



* Local call price.

A Quinta da Auga
Cámara de Comercio Santiago de Compostela    Cámara de Comercio de España    Unión Europea
LORYGAR SL ha sido beneficiaria del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional cuyo objetivo es Potenciar la investigación, el desarrollo tecnológico y la innovación, y gracias al que ha implantado un Programa de creación de equipos, desarrollo de personas y mejora de procesos para apoyar la creación y consolidación de empresas innovadoras. La acción se realizó en 2020. Para ello ha contado con el apoyo del Programa InnoCámaras de la Cámara de Comercio de Santiago de Compostela.
Axudas do Igape á dixitalización Industria 4.0
Esta empresa foi beneficiaria dunha axuda do programa IGAPE "dixitalización Industria 4.0", cuxo resultado é promover a transformación dixital da empresa e favorecer o crecemento e consolidación das PEME, mellorando o seu financiamento, tecnoloxía e acceso a servizos de apoio avanzados.
Operación cofinanciada pola Unión Europea
Programa Operativo FEDER Galicia 2014-2020

Conseguir un tecido empresarial máis competitivo
Unha maneira de facer Europa
Esta empresa foi beneficiaria dunha Subvención para a mellora da competitividade dos establecementos hoteleiros e de restauración no marco do Eixe REACT-UE do Programa Operativo FEDER Galicia 2014-2020 como parte da resposta da Unión Europea á pandemia da COVID-19.
Programa MOVES III
Galicia Emprega